Love those who attack you, they need it most


I must be doing something right.

It seems like every time I produce something, whether it be a video, a blog post, or a website, I attract hordes of people wishing to attacking me and call names. This confirms to me that I am doing something right. We all know that telling the truth is no way to make friends.

“The men the people admire most extravagantly are the Greatest Liars;

the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

– H.L Mencken

It’s important to remember that no matter what the topic, or your opinion on it, people will always disagree with you. Some will even disagree with you violently. Remember that these people who go out of their way to be rude and personally attack you are the people who need you the most. They need someone to hate. If I have to be that person, then so be it. I’d rather they spend their time insulting me instead of someone who might take it personally. Me, I’m used to it, it doesn’t bother me and I just shrug it off.

People need someone to hate, and it makes them feel good to insult people who they do not agree with. I understand that some of those who sent me hate mail may have taken offense to the title of my last post, perhaps they had taken a flu shot and were mad that I said they were dumb. I apologize sincerely if I hurt your feelings. I realize that since it was my first post you may not have caught the sarcasm in the title. It was a catchy title and it made you look didn’t it?  If you need to make personal attacks on someone feel free to send them to me. I’ll simply ‘trash’ them and send you some love in return, it’s obvious that you need some.

For me, getting over 2160 views in less than 24 hours on my first blog is quite an accomplishment. Having only received a handful of hate-mail is actually somewhat surprising. For that many views I would expect at least double the hate-mail. Anyway, the more haters I attract the more it confirms to me that I am doing something right.